Beyond the Lens: What do Brilliant Labs' Frame Glasses Bring To The Realm of AI Assistance

And where do they stand on accessibility?

February 13, 2024
photo of a man wearing the Frame glasses with a purple background

The unveiling of Brilliant Labs' Frame glasses has sparked a wave of excitement across the wearable tech community, particularly for its impressive AI assistant, Noa. At Envision, we are thrilled by the potential of innovations like the Frame glasses to broaden the horizons of augmented reality and AI assistance. With the backing of AR pioneer John Hanke, CEO of Niantic, the Frame glasses stand out not just for their cutting-edge technology but for their stylish design and profound potential to change how we interact with the digital world.

Introducing Frame and Noa: A Harmonious Blend of Smart & Style 

Frame glasses redefine the boundaries between stylish eyewear and high-tech gadgets. Weighing just 39 grams, these lightweight AI glasses boast a vivid display, front-facing spatial camera, integrated microphone, and a suite of multimodal AI features, all within a design indistinguishable from everyday eyewear. At the heart of Frame's innovation is Noa, a multimodal AI assistant designed to offer a conversational and personalized user experience. Noa leverages a privacy-preserving knowledge graph to analyze interactions, allowing it to adapt and respond in a manner that feels uniquely tailored to each user.

Perplexity's Real-Time Search: A New Dimension of Information Access

Brilliant Labs' partnership with Perplexity introduces an innovative approach to search engines. By harnessing the power of conversational AI and real-time web data, Frame users can access up-to-date, reliable information effortlessly. This collaboration not only enhances the functionality of the Frame glasses but also aligns with the ongoing evolution towards more intuitive information retrieval methods.

The Question of Accessibility

The integration of features such as real-time translation, visual processing, and personalized interaction offers promising avenues to enhance the daily experiences of individuals, including those within the blind and low vision community.

However, with innovation comes the responsibility to ensure accessibility. While it's too early to definitively assess the inclusivity of the Frame glasses, it's crucial to initiate conversations about making such advanced technologies accessible to everyone. The potential for Noa to adapt and cater to individual needs offers a glimmer of hope for building a more inclusive digital world.

Building on Frame's Foundation

As we explore the capabilities and implications of Frame glasses, we also ponder the possibilities of integrating Envision's AI to further enrich the user experience. The prospect of building our own software on such a platform excites us, as it aligns with our mission to create accessible, empowering tools for the blind and low vision community.

Looking Forward

As we continue to look out for  the development and accessibility of these glasses, we remain committed to fostering innovations that are not only groundbreaking but inclusive.

The journey towards fully accessible AI-powered glasses is just beginning, and at Envision, we are eager to contribute to this evolution, ensuring that the marvels of tomorrow's technology can be enjoyed by all. The future is bright, and together, we can make it accessible to everyone.